Suggestive partial booklist might include some of the following (or equivalent) textbooks:
General undergraduate (1st and 2nd Yr) Physics textbooks:-
Physics for Scientists and Engineers - Thornton, Fishbane & Gasiorowicz, (Prentice Hall)
Serway & Jewett, Physics for Scientists and Engineers
Young & Freeman, University Physics
Ohanian, Physics
Covers most of the Maths up to MSc level (4th Yr):-
K. A. Stroud, Engineering Mathematics and Further Engineering Mathematics
Riley, Hobson, Bence - Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering
Mary L. Boaz, Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences
G. Arfken & H Weber, Mathematical Methods for Physicists
Schaum's Outline Series - Vector Calculus and Tensor Calculus
R.J.Barlow, A Guide to the Use of Statistical Methods in the Physical Sciences, John Wiley, 1989
W.T.Eadie et al., Statistical Methods in Experimental Physics, North-Holland, 1971
S.Brandt, Statistical and Computational Methods in Data Analysis, Springer, New York, 1998.
L.Lyons, Statistics for Nuclear and Particle Physics, CUP, 1986.
Michael de Podesta, Understanding the Properties of Matter, Taylor & Frances (2nd edition, 2001)
D. Tabor, Gases, Liquids and Solids: and Other States of Matter, Cambridge University Press, (3rd edition, 1991)
2B22 Quantum Physics
Recommended textbooks are:
• Alastair Rae, Quantum Mechanics, 4th ed. (IoP)
• Brehm and Mullin, Introduction to the Structure of Matter, (Wiley). General purpose text.
• Bransden and Joachain, Quantum Mechanics, 2nd ed. (Prentice Hall).
More advanced text. The course covers roughly the first half of the book. May also be useful for later courses.
• Feynman, Leighton and Sands, The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. III (Addison Wesley).
The first three chapters contain an excellent introduction to some of the general concepts.
Halliday, Resnick & Walker, Fundamentals of Physics
Beiser, Concepts of Modern Physics
Kleppner & Kolenkow, An Introduction to Mechanics
F. Mandl, Quantum Mechanics
F. Mandl, Statistical Physics
Flowers & Mendoza, Properties of Matter
Atkins, Physical Chemistry
I. S. Grant & W. R. Phillips, Electromagnetism
Duffin, Electricity and Magnetism
Wilson & Hawkes, Optoelectronics: An Introduction
Pedrotti & Pedrotti, Introduction to Optics
P. A. M. Dirac, Quantum Mechanics
E. Merzbacher, Quantum Mechanics
Mason & Hughes, Environmental Physics
Hooke & Hall, Solid State Physics
Rosenberg, The Solid State
Bransden and Joachain, Physics of Atoms and Molecules
Eisberg & Resnick, Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei and Particles (Wiley)
C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics
J. S. Blakemore, Solid State Physics
P. Sutton, Electronic Structure of Materials
J. Walton, Three Phases of Matter
Ashcroft and Mermin, Solid State Physics
R. P. Feynman, The Feynman Lectures on Physics
B. Povh, K. Rith, C. Scholtz & F. Zetsche - Particles and Nuclei
Martin & Shaw, Particle Physics
Cottingham & Greenwood, An Introduction to Nuclear Physics
Perkins, Introduction to High Energy Physics
Williams, Nuclear and Particle Physics
Matts Roos, Introduction to Cosmology
M. Rowan-Robinson, Cosmology
Liddle, Introduction to Modern Cosmology
P. Beards, Analogue and Digital Electronics
D. Crecraft & D. Gorham, Electronics
A Liddle, Introduction to Modern Cosmology
J. N. Islam, Cosmology
Landau & Lifschitz, Classical Theory of Fields
B. Schultz, A First Course in General Relativity
S. Weinberg, Cosmology and Gravitation
R. J. Taylor, The Stars: Their Structure and Evolution
R Kippenhahn and A Weigert - Stellar Structure and Evolution, Springer
Bowers & Deeming, Astrophysics I: Stars (Jones & Bartlett Publ.)
Bowers & Deeming, Astrophysics II: Interstellar Matter and Galaxies
de Pater & Lissauer, Planetary Sciences (Cambridge)
Carl Murray & Dermott, Solar System Dynamics
F. H. Shu, The Physics of Stars Astrophysics
The main Galaxy course textbooks are:
• J. Binney & M. R. Merrifield, Galactic Astronomy, Princeton University Press, 1998
(a detailed review of the Galaxy and galaxies in general, with summaries of results from the research literature).
• J. Binney & S. Tremaine, Galactic Dynamics, Princeton University Press, 1987
(a detailed review of the theory of dynamics of stars within galaxies).
Some other books that might be of use are:
• L. Sparke & J. Gallagher, Galaxies in the Universe: an Introduction, Cambridge University Press, 2000
(a readable, but useful, introduction to galaxies, including our Galaxy).
• G. Gilmore, I. King & P. van der Kruit, The Milky Way as a Galaxy, University Science Books, 1990,
previously published as the 19th Advanced Course of the Swiss Society of Astrophysics and Astronomy (Saas-Fee), publ. Geneva Observatory, Switzerland, 1989
(a detailed discussion of the Galaxy with an observational emphasis).
• S. Phillipps, The Structure and Evolution of Galaxies, publ. John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2005
(a readable, but detailed introduction to galaxies in general from an observational viewpoint).
• D. Mihalas & J. Binney, Galactic Astronomy, publ. W. H. Freeman and Company, 1981
(the predecessor to Binney & Merrifield, with a different emphasis, but slightly dated).
This suggestive booklist is by no means exhaustive and there are many excellent textbooks available that cover the various topics in the MSci Physics and Astrophysics modules.